On February 24, 2024, , the academy stage of the beauty contest " Talyp gözeli - 2024" organized annually by the Central Council of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly, the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and the Central Council of the Women's Association of Turkmenistan was held at the International horse breeding academy named after Aba Annayev. It was attended by female students who won among the faculties.
According to the first part of the competition, the students performed the  year "Fount of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy", a high honor given to Turkmen women in our country, with songs, poems and stage performances.
According to the second part of the competition, the student girls competed in cutting the Turkmen national meal unash. Cutting unash requires extra abilities. In ancient times, when a girl reached a certain age in the family, she was first taught how to cut unash. They found that the girl who could cut the dish by heart could prepare all the other dishes. For this reason, one of the conditions of the contests organized among girls is to get the engagement. This is great importance in revealing the performance of young girls, as well as creating enthusiasm for preparing national dishes in the younger generation.
The third part of the beauty contest was called "I have skill - I have respect", and in this part of the competition, the students showed their talent, skill and ability by sculpting (keşdeçilik) Turkmen art, which is included in the UNESCO list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
The student girls who participated in the beauty contest based on wonderful words of the National Leader of the Turkmen People: “Patriotism, loyalty to the family hearth, wisdom, wisdom, artistic skills are the national qualities that have raised the name and dignity of our mothers and daughters-in-law to high levels for thousands of years. Today, these noble qualities of Turkmen brides have become a perfect example of moral beauty” and they showed their abilities.
Moreover, according to the results of the jury, Muhammedova Shohle, a 1st-year student of the Horse breeding Faculty of Circus Arts, was declared the winner of the academy stage of the beauty contest " Talyp gözeli - 2024". The winner qualified for the state level of the beauty contest.
Charyberdiyev Kakageldi
International horse breeding academy
named after Aba Annayev

Arkadag şäheriniň Aba Annaýew şaýolunyň 30-njy jaýy

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